The German domestic
intelligence services
The German domestic intelligence services, i.e. the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) at federal level and the services of the 16 German states, ensure the protection of the free democratic basic order. BfV’s activities focus on 10 topics.
Latest News.
Report on the Protection of the Constitution.
On 18 June 2024 Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, and President of BfV Thomas Haldenwang presented the 2023 Report on the Protection of the Constitution to the public.

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Do you have information on extremist incidents or organizations or have contact with a foreign intelligence service? Then contact us online or by telephone.
By telephone +49(0)228-99/792-6000
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Telefon aracılığıyla +49(0)228-99/792-6000
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