Navigation and service

Cit­i­zens and af­fect­ed per­sons.

Do you have a suspicion or think that something is strange? Support us in the fight against extremism, terrorism and espionage by calling our hotline. Do you belong to extremist circles and would like to leave? We will help you do so by providing specific support as part of our exit programmes for right-wing and left-wing extremists.

Hotline against extremism, terrorism and espionage

Hotline against extremism, terrorism and espionage

Do you have information on extremist incidents or organizations or have contact with a foreign intelligence service? Then contact us online or by telephone.

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Exit programme for left-wing extremists

Exit programme for left-wing extremists

The exit programme for left-wing extremists is for people who have decided to leave the sphere of influence of left-wing extremist structures but are not able to do so by their own efforts. The programme provides personal assistance and support during the exit process, advice to the parents, family members and partners of those concerned, help regarding contacts with authorities and much more.

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Exit programme for right-wing extremists

Exit programme for right-wing extremists

Since April 2001 we have successfully supported women and men throughout Germany in leaving the scene. Our aim is to help anyone willing to disengage from right-wing extremism and to reintegrate them into democratic society.

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