Exit programme for right-wing extremists

Since April 2001 we have successfully supported women and men throughout Germany in leaving the scene. Our aim is to help anyone willing to disengage from right-wing extremism and to reintegrate them into democratic society.
Thanks to many years of experience, we understand the challenges people face during the exit process and we offer solutions and assistance tailored to their needs.
We are happy to provide information and advice to those wishing to leave the scene as well as to their family, friends and colleagues. These conversations are confidential and without obligation.
Your chance to change your path. Our exit programme
Our exit programme for right-wing extremists is designed for people who wish to leave the right-wing extremist scene. Right-wing extremism is not a homogeneous phenomenon; it can take many forms:
- nationalist, antisemitic, racist, xenophobic and/or anti-democratic convictions,
- the belief that people belonging to different ethnic groups or races are, by nature, not of equal value,
- membership of a right-wing extremist political party or group,
- attendance at right-wing extremist concerts, demonstrations and events.
Hands-on support
Our exit programme offers professional assistance and support throughout the exit process. Among other things, this includes:
- contact without obligation; qualified advice and long-term personal support for participants in the programme,
- development of a personal exit plan that takes security aspects into account,
- promoting disengagement from right-wing extremist ideas by reappraising participants’ extremist past and ideology,
- support for participants’ reintegration into democratic society,
- help in finding external assistance, e.g. in case of addiction, mental health problems, excessive debts etc.
All assistance is focused on the aspect of helping people help themselves. Advisory services and exit assistance are free of cost.
If you wish to leave the scene, please do not hesitate to contact our hotline, which is available 24/7, or to send us an e-mail:
+49(0)228 99 792-62
+49(0)30 18 792-62
E-mail: aussteiger@bfv.bund.de
If you contact us via telephone or e-mail, please provide a telephone number so that we can call you back. Your personal data will be treated confidentially.
Further services for those leaving the scene
In addition to the hotline run by BfV, other public authorities offer similar services for right-wing extremists who wish to leave the scene. These authorities offering exit programmes include the criminal police offices of the federal states, the ministries of justice, youth and social welfare authorities, and the domestic intelligence services of the federal states.