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Information obligations

Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
Merianstraße 100
50765 Köln

+49(0)30 18 792-0
+49(0)228 99 792-0



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Responsible under press law
Angela Pley

Materna Information & Communications SE

Aperto GmbH

Hosting and management
ITZBund (Federal Information Technology Centre)

Content management system
This website runs on Government Site Builder (GSB), the content management solution of the Federal Administration, based on CoreMedia CMS.

Image credits
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz
iStock by Getty Images
dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH
Pixabay GmbH

Legal Information

The content on the website is intended to offer easier public access to information from the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) and to provide an accurate picture of BfV’s activities, plans and projects. We make every effort to ensure that the information supplied here is correct, up-to-date, complete, understandable and available at all times.

Content of external websites

This website’s links to external Internet sites (external content) were created by BfV’s Internet editorial team to the best of its knowledge and with the greatest possible care, paying particular attention to the trustworthiness of the external Internet sites and the accuracy and lawfulness of their content. These links are intended only to provide access to such external content.

Because website content is dynamic and can change at any time, however, it is not possible to constantly monitor the content of all external sites to which our website maintains links. BfV therefore expressly disclaims responsibility for the content of external Internet sites which are linked to its own website. Any damage resulting from using or failing to use external content is exclusively the responsibility of the Internet site in question.

BfV's own content

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all legal provisions, official notices, recommendations and information appearing on this website. However, in case of any discrepancy, only the current official version as it appears in official publications produced for this purpose is legally valid. Any legal notices, recommendations or information are not legally binding and do not constitute legal advice.

The information provided is subject to the following disclaimer: BfV is not liable for any damage resulting from using or failing to use the information provided here, including any damage caused by computer viruses when accessing or downloading data and any damage caused when installing or using software.

To protect BfV’s staff, the Internet editorial team changes photographs and names in articles about our staff, students etc. on our website.

Reporting errors

The editors ask users of the website to report to them any inaccurate information found on external Internet sites linked to this website. Users are also asked to use the contact form to report any information on this website which is inaccurate, outdated, incomplete or unclear.

Data protection

To find out more, consult our privacy policy.


This website is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. Information or data from this website may not be used in any form without BfV’s prior permission. Any unauthorised reproduction or sharing of specific content or of complete pages will be subject to prosecution under civil and criminal law.

Conditions of use for images

Unless otherwise indicated, e.g. in the information accompanying the image, BfV, on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, has obtained from the creators of the digital images all rights of use.
Users must comply with the directions accompanying the image, including restrictions on use. Users are liable for any damage resulting from failure to comply and must release BfV from any third-party claims that may result.

Images credited to “Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz” may be downloaded free of charge and used for the following reporting purposes:

  • press releases
  • publications in print media
  • film and television publications
  • online and multimedia publications

Other commercial use, especially for advertising purposes, is not permitted.

No processing, editing or manipulation of the digital images apart from correcting the colour, cropping or reducing the size is allowed without previous written permission from BfV. Nor may any digital image be reproduced in a manner which is misrepresentative. Misrepresenting the copyrighted work in images, text or any other form, for example by means of re-photographing, graphic falsification, photo composition or electronic aids is prohibited.

The user is responsible for text accompanying the image. The news media are obligated to comply with the journalistic principles of the German Press Council (Press Code). Permission to use photographic material does not include assurances that persons depicted in the images, persons holding the rights to depicted works or holders of trademarks or other protected rights have agreed to public reproduction of the images.
Users are responsible for obtaining any permissions necessary from third parties. Users may not violate any rights of privacy, copyright, trademark or the like of persons, works, objects or symbols depicted in the image. If such rights are violated, the user alone is liable for any harm caused to third parties. BfV reserves the right to investigate any suspected misuse or serious violations of these conditions of use.

Any digital images used are to be credited to “Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz”. This also applies to electronic publications (e.g. websites). One copy of every printed publication is to be sent to BfV unsolicited and free of charge at the following address: Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, Merianstraße 100, 50765 Köln.

Images credited to another source than “Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz” have not been released for use by third parties.

Netiquette for social networks

Please respect the following rules of conduct:

  • Refrain from posting statements that are insulting, defamatory, libellous and/or provoking as well as from comments that are vulgar, discriminatory, racist, sexist, hateful, unlawful and/or glorify violence.
  • Refrain from posts of a commercial nature.
  • Mentions and comments should be related to the subject matter of the tweet.
  • The language used on BfV’s social media channels is German.
  • The terms of use of the respective social network apply.